About Us
Some of the programs launched to promote our goals :
Truth About Fur: This exciting web-portal provides accurate information about all sectors of the North American fur trade. The extensive Q&A section and insightful blog posts address commonly asked questions about the ethics and practices of the modern fur trade, while video profiles introduce real fur farmers, trappers, designers and craftspeople. Visit: www.truthaboutfur.com
Fur is Green: A pioneering public information campaign explaining the environmental ethic of the modern fur trade, and showing why fur is an excellent choice as we seek to adopt more sustainable lifestyles and consumer choices. Visit www.FurisGreen.com.
Canada Fur Atelier: A National Canadian student design competition in collaboration with Fur Harvesters Auction, The Fur Institute of Canada, The Sealing Network and the Canada Mink Breeders Association.
School program: Information packages offered to schools on the ecological values of fur; presentations, conferences, competitions and workshops for fashion schools. Order here.
Public relations: A voice for the people of this unique Canadian heritage industry, including active websites and social networks, free educational materials, media and government relations, sourcing, consumer information, and more!